How to Install GNS3 VM 2.2 in Ubuntu 23.10

In today’s world, more and more companies need people who know a lot about computer networks and how to make them work smoothly. GNS3 is a tool that helps with this. It’s like a pretend version of a real network that you can use to design and fix problems. The GNS3 VM is an essential part of this tool. It lets you run virtual machines and copies of Cisco devices on your PC.

In this article, we’ll show you how to install GNS3 VM 2.2 on Ubuntu 23.10 using VMware Workstation, which is another program that helps run virtual machines. We’ll give you easy-to-follow instructions on how to install it on your Ubuntu PC and how to move it onto VMware. Let’s get started and learn all about how a GNS3 server can help you practice and learn about networks.

Installing GNS3 VM in Ubuntu

Credit: Ubuntu

Ubuntu and GNS3 VM: Perfect for Network Engineers and Fans

Ubuntu is a prevalent operating system that lots of people use for different things, like practicing and testing computer networks. GNS3 VM is a super important tool for network engineers who want to design and test complicated networks without needing actual hardware. When you use the GNS3 virtual machine on Ubuntu, you can create and try all sorts of network setups without any essential equipment.

Setting it up on Ubuntu is straightforward and doesn’t take long. Once you’ve installed GNS3 and VMware Workstation on your PC, you can move the VM platform and start using it to test out different network setups.

All in all, Ubuntu and GNS3 VM work really well together for people who want to learn more about networking. Whether you’re a student, a network engineer, or just curious about computer networks, this structure is excellent for learning and trying out different things.

Installing the GNS3 VM Server in the Ubuntu PC

If you want to use it on your PC, there are some things you need to make sure of first. You’ll need to have the correct version of Ubuntu, make sure your PC is strong enough, and have specific other programs already installed. These steps are essential to make sure the virtual server works right once it’s on your device.

  1. GNS3 Network Simulator Software
  2. VMware Workstation Virtualization Software

Boost your networking skills by putting GNS3 and VMware Workstation on your computer. Follow our simple video guide or step-by-step instructions to get started quickly.

  1. To begin with, please navigate to the official GNS3 website. Once there, you will need to go to the section titled VMware Workstation and Fusion. Here, you can locate and click on the Download button to initiate the download process.
  2. To open the file you downloaded, you use a command called unzip in the terminal. This file has a zip extension, so unzip helps to open it up and show what’s inside. Just type the right unzip command in the terminal to open the file and see what’s in it.
  3. To put the GNS3 VM.ova file into your virtual machine, first, open VMware. Then, go to the File menu section and choose Open. Find where you saved its Ova file and pick it. At the end, follow the instructions on the screen to finish putting it in.
  4. If you want to make a new virtual server, give it a unique name and press Import. This brings in all the stuff you need to set up the server just how you want it.
  5. After you’ve brought in the GNS3 virtual machine to your VMware Workstation, open up the GNS3 program.
  6. To find the Setup Wizard in GNS3, go to the Help menu. Then, choose the Setup Wizard option. It’ll help you set up your network devices and settings step by step.
  7. Tick the “Run appliances in a virtual machine” option when you open the Setup Wizard; make sure to check the box for that option.
  8. To set up the local server, you have to change the Host Binding value. Put in the GNS3 virtual machine’s IP address. This ensures that the local server connects properly and talks to it without any problems.
  9. Once you’ve connected to the GNS3 server, you can move on to the next step.
  10. To set up the GNS3 VM, pick the right virtualization software from the choices in the setup window.
  11. After you’ve finished setting things up, find the “Finish” button in the Setup Wizard window and click it. Then, give GNS3 and the GNS3 VM a moment to connect. When they’re connected, you’re ready to start your network simulation and testing.
  12. If the GNS3 server is working well, go to Preferences, then Dynamips, and IOS routers. Add a new Router IOS image, and you’ll be ready to start preparing for your Cisco exam.


To sum up, it is an essential tool for network engineers, students, and anyone who likes computer networks. It helps you make and test complicated networks without real hardware. When you use it with Ubuntu and Workstation, it makes a strong simulation place for learning and trying out different network setups.

If you follow the easy steps in this article, you can run the GNS3 VM on Ubuntu 23.10 and begin checking out computer networks. So, why wait? Improve your networking skills now and start your trip to being a network expert!

If you’re using Mint instead of Ubuntu, you can still install it easily. Just follow our simple guide called How to Install GNS3 VM on Linux Mint. This essential guide will walk you through setting it up on your PC. With this, you can quickly make and test different network setups without any real networking devices.

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